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November 09, 2008, Internet Community Helps Volunteers in Caylee Anthony Search

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November 09, 2008, Internet Community Helps Volunteers in Caylee Anthony Search Empty November 09, 2008, Internet Community Helps Volunteers in Caylee Anthony Search

Post by Impetuous Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:06 am


Internet Community Helps Volunteers in Caylee Anthony Search

"This is not so much an update about the search effort but more so a thank you to all of the people who have come forward to help provide the volunteers in the Caylee Anthony search with much needed food and supplies.
Readers of Investigation Discovery's Criminal Report Daily, along with members of Scared Monkeys, Websleuths, Caylee's Angels, CourtTV/In Session and Murt Witness One, have all ordered food from area restaurants in the past two days and had it delivered to the command post. These groups and their members should be recognized for the generosity they have shown to the volunteers who are actively searching for Caylee. Were it not for them, this search would not be possible.
Texas EquuSearch is grateful to everyone for their support during this search effort."
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