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Casey Anthony: WKMG explores Dr. G deposition - Hal

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Post by mom_in_il Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:54 pm

Casey Anthony: WKMG explores Dr. G deposition
posted by halboedeker on February, 25 2011 12:00 AM

WKMG-Channel 6 promised a major report with new information in the Casey Anthony case, and Tony Pipitone delivered tonight when he explored Dr. Jan Garavaglia’s deposition from Sept. 28.

That day the Orange-Osceola chief medical examiner defended her opinion that Caylee Anthony’s death had been a homicide. Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in daughter Caylee’s death. Pipitone presented his report as a preview of arguments that could be raised at the trial in May.

Pipitone highlighted these moments from the Garavaglia deposition:

***Defense attorney Cheney Mason asked, “Suppose this child drowned in the family swimming pool?” Garavaglia discounted that notion. From her experience, she said that caretakers report when children drown because the adults want the youngsters to survive. Casey Anthony did not report her child was missing.

***Garavaglia, the star of “Dr. G: Medical Examiner,” defended her homicide ruling by pointing to circumstances. The child “is found in a plastic bag, in a laundry bag, dumped in a field to rot with duct tape in the vicinity of the lower mandible,” she said.

***Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton asked what the effect of the duct tape on a living Caylee would be if the tape covered her mouth and nose. ”I guess it could have suffocated her,” Garavaglia said. But the medical examiner also said, “I believe the tape indicates that there is foul play. I cannot say for certain whether that tape caused a suffocation.”

***Mason returned to the possibility of drowning. Garavaglia replied that she had never seen a drowning with duct tape on the lower half of the face. “There’s no reason why a child that’s drowned is put in a plastic bag and dumped on the side of the road,” Garavagalia said.

WKMG said that Pipitone, in preparing the report, reviewed hundreds of pages of depositions that hadn’t been released. “Information no other news organization has obtained,” Pipitone said. He said the state, defense and Garavaglia declined to comment on his reporting.

Pipitone will have more at 11 p.m. Friday, when he will report on what another key witness has said under oath. The news there: The defense says that deposition suggests evidence may have been staged.

Who could that witness be? A promo to that report prominently featured Roy Kronk, the meter reader who found Caylee’s remains.

With fanfare, WKMG promoted tonight’s report through the day. During the newscast, the report was billed “Tony Pipitone Exclusive,” and the camera even followed Pipitone on his way to the set to deliver the report. It was a good report that didn’t need that hoopla.

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