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Casey Anthony: Werner Spitz, his ‘OWN’ opinion - HO

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Casey Anthony: Werner Spitz, his ‘OWN’ opinion - HO Empty Casey Anthony: Werner Spitz, his ‘OWN’ opinion - HO

Post by mom_in_il Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:40 pm

Written on 15 March 2011 at 08:11 by humbleopinion
Casey Anthony: Werner Spitz, his ‘OWN’ opinion


While reading the Spitz ‘opinion’ letter, you can see that these are his own opinion, and works for the defense. He states there is no proof that Caylee died at the hands of another, ie. Casey, but just because it is his ‘own’ opinion doesn’t mean that Casey didn’t kill Caylee. He also states that skin would have been attached to the duct tape, but does he know that Caylee had been in water for about 3-6 months after she was thrown out like trash in the woods in bags? He also says that the death is undetermined and no specific death at the hands of another, but if it doesn’t prove that Casey killed her, does it prove Caylee died? I bet not!

Werner Spitz report states that it was the remains of a 3 year old. [Wonder if Cindy still thinks that Caylee is alive!]

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