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the state of the mind excuse - andrea

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the state of the mind excuse - andrea Empty the state of the mind excuse - andrea

Post by mom_in_il Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:33 pm

March 26, 2011 · 8:42 pm
the state of the mind excuse


At the end of Thursday’s hearing, there was a discussion initiated by Jeff Ashton asking about the two new witnesses the defense plans to add. I’m referring to Dr. Jeffery Danzinger (his website), and a Dr. Weitz or Weiss.

Ann Finnel, the attorney charged with representing Casey Anthony in the penalty phase of the trial, which begins immediately after the guilt phase, spoke Thursday of these two new witnesses. Judge Perry asked Ms. Finnel what these witnesses will bring to the defense case. She waffled a little, then said, “State of Mind”. The Judge asked, “whose state of mind” (I bet he was thinking of Jose Baez!!!). Ann Finnel said to the Judge, “Ms. Anthony’s.”

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