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Casey Anthony: ‘48 Hours Mystery’ makes news in a troubling way - Hal

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Casey Anthony: ‘48 Hours Mystery’ makes news in a troubling way - Hal Empty Casey Anthony: ‘48 Hours Mystery’ makes news in a troubling way - Hal

Post by mom_in_il Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:53 pm

Casey Anthony: ‘48 Hours Mystery’ makes news in a troubling way
posted by halboedeker on April, 19 2011 9:09 AM

CBS affiliate WKMG-Channel 6 last night took a behind-the-scenes look at its network’s “48 Hours Mystery” on the Casey Anthony case. There was more troubling information about how journalists inserted themselves into the legal process. In effect, “48 Hours Mystery” was making news rather than reporting it.

WKMG’s Mike DeForest highlighted that CBS said it did not pay defense consultant Richard Gabriel to guide a focus group that acquitted Anthony of first-degree murder. And Gabriel was not allowed to keep five hours of video in which panelists discussed the case, DeForest added.

“But Gabriel, who donates his services to Anthony’s defense team, was allowed to share with them [defense attorneys Jose Baez and Cheney Mason] detailed results from the CBS focus group,” DeForest said.

The impression: “48 Hours Mystery” was helping the defense. Anthony’s trial begins next month. She is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.

“He [Gabriel] wants to know what arguments resonate with the jurors, which ones they reject,” correspondent Troy Roberts explained.

The people in the focus group were paid for their services. DeForest didn’t learn the amount, but they were paid by “a company hired by CBS to assemble the focus group.”

On “48 Hours Mystery,” former defense attorney Linda Kenney Baden described Anthony as a liar who made up the story about the nanny taking the toddler. Kenney Baden’s comments have raised ethical issues about attorney-client privilege.

On that point, DeForest said, “Anthony’s defense team has not yet confirmed whether they gave former defense attorney Linda Kenney Baden permission to say all those things on national television. But presumably she knows that such comments might violate attorney-client privilege unless Anthony gave the OK.”

Presumably is such an interesting way to put it. The big question: Was she just shooting off her mouth or was it planned that she would say those things?

In an interview, correspondent Roberts defended the show’s approach to the Anthony case by saying the Anthony episode was no different from other stories that the show had done.

Does that make you feel better about “48 Hours Mystery”? Yikes.

WKMG’s Tony Pipitone explored the issue of where the jury might be picked. Chief Judge Belvin Perry has said that one lawyer on the defense and one on the prosecution will be told in advance. Pipitone played tape of Perry saying, “As long as they [the lawyers] leave by 8 a.m. that morning they’ll be fine.”

Pipitone offered his interpretation: “That doesn’t mean they’ll get to the courthouse by 9 a.m., of course, since no courthouse one hour away has been shielded from the media barrage that requires the jury selection to be moved in the first place.”

Perry has asked the media to sign agreements not to reveal the site for jury selection until 9 a.m. May 9. “Those who sign would get notice enough to travel to the location,” Pipitone explained.

Where will it be? Pipitone said the law states that jurors should be sought in counties that have a demographic makeup like Orange County. “They’re not going to be looking for jurors out in some rural county in the Panhandle,” he added.

WESH-Channel 2’s Bob Kealing quoted “inside sources” who said it’s Perry’s nature to have fun. Veteran attorney Jeff Deen didn’t attribute much importance to Perry’s 8 a.m. comment. “That’s a red herring, if you ask me. He knows where he’s going,” Deen told Kealing.

In late news Monday, WKMG reported that Anthony’s lawyers had turned over some of the station’s 2008 footage of George Anthony to prosecutors. The footage shows George with duct tape that apparently matches duct tape found with his granddaughter’s remains. The defense’s action seems to suggest they will use the WKMG footage at trial to defend Casey Anthony, DeForest said, adding, “but how they plan to use it remains unclear.” George Anthony’s lawyer “adamantly denied” that his client had anything to do with the child’s death, DeForest said.

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