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Could I make a suggestion?

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Could I make a suggestion? Empty Could I make a suggestion?

Post by obsessedviewer Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:54 am

I hope I can explain this right. You have your main page with your different catagories. We right now are in one of the many catagories this being the General Discussion one. If everone posted a new post as I have here it would be much easier. The way you're doing it now everyone is posting in one spot. It's not using this board the way it should be used.
The way you're doing it (the main blog) you still have to go through pages and pages of post and read everyones to get to the one you might want to read. Not to mention the post that has 5 quots in one reply its just unreal. If you posted as I did this one you can decide if it's something you want to read and you can reply to this subject. Instead of going through pages and pages of different topics you can decide from the start if you want to go into that post and read it.
Lets say Stephanie is looking for Stash wouldn't it be easier for Stash to see she's being looked for if Steph started a new post instead posting in the "Main Blog" and taking the chance that Stash might never see her post. She instead could see the different subjects right here in the General Discussion area like you seen mine.
I hope I explaining this right. I'm a regular on another board during the reality show Big Brother season. I literally sit on that board day and night while watching the feeds. If anyone would like to see how it's set up it's
www.jokersupdates.com click on some of their forums and notice how it's all set up. Believe it's a lot easier than what were doing here. The beauty of this board is not being used. Were basically doing the same thing we were doing on the fox blog. We are not using this board the way it was made to be used.
Squirrel Hunter
Squirrel Hunter

Job/hobbies : I love sewing, quilting, blogging, scrapbooking

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Could I make a suggestion? Empty Re: Could I make a suggestion?

Post by Stephanie Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:57 am

I totally agree with everything you just said and think it will take some people a little getting used to - but once we work it all out, it will be much easier to read and navigate this board.

I also lol'd at you calling Stass Stash. :) :P
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Local Celebrity (no autographs, please)

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Could I make a suggestion? Empty Re: Could I make a suggestion?

Post by obsessedviewer Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:59 am

Stephanie wrote:I totally agree with everything you just said and think it will take some people a little getting used to - but once we work it all out, it will be much easier to read and navigate this board.

I also lol'd at you calling Stass Stash. :) :P

Opps! Well I was close! My spelling sucks too! A spell checker would make this place heaven for me!
Squirrel Hunter
Squirrel Hunter

Job/hobbies : I love sewing, quilting, blogging, scrapbooking

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Could I make a suggestion? Empty Re: Could I make a suggestion?

Post by karma Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:24 am

Hope this doesn't post twice, I got bounced out in the middle of writing :bounce:

I like it.
I also made a few Suggestions in the Practice section of the Forum regarding Topics.
It would be nice to keep all topics together and current and I do think the admin's are doing a fabulous job of sorting us out in our new beginnings! :cheers:
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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Could I make a suggestion? Empty Re: Could I make a suggestion?

Post by petesaparte Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:51 am

obsessedviewer wrote:I hope I can explain this right. You have your main page with your different catagories. We right now are in one of the many catagories this being the General Discussion one. If everone posted a new post as I have here it would be much easier. The way you're doing it now everyone is posting in one spot. It's not using this board the way it should be used.
The way you're doing it (the main blog) you still have to go through pages and pages of post and read everyones to get to the one you might want to read. Not to mention the post that has 5 quots in one reply its just unreal. If you posted as I did this one you can decide if it's something you want to read and you can reply to this subject. Instead of going through pages and pages of different topics you can decide from the start if you want to go into that post and read it.
Lets say Stephanie is looking for Stash wouldn't it be easier for Stash to see she's being looked for if Steph started a new post instead posting in the "Main Blog" and taking the chance that Stash might never see her post. She instead could see the different subjects right here in the General Discussion area like you seen mine.
I hope I explaining this right. I'm a regular on another board during the reality show Big Brother season. I literally sit on that board day and night while watching the feeds. If anyone would like to see how it's set up it's
www.jokersupdates.com click on some of their forums and notice how it's all set up. Believe it's a lot easier than what were doing here. The beauty of this board is not being used. Were basically doing the same thing we were doing on the fox blog. We are not using this board the way it was made to be used.
Hi there!
You're exactly right in the way that this type of forum is intended to be used and feel free to post topics separately - we think that more people will catch on to the regular way that a forum works. The Fox blog was the first time that many of these people have ever posted or discussed anything online before so they don't understand the whole concept yet. For them it's easier to just keep one running thread of conversation.

They will probably start getting used to it and they will eventually start seeing the value in threads that are about specific topics and will start posting that way. If they don't - the others (like us) can still use the forum that way and they can keep their thread too.

You cracked me up with the Stash too - LOL that is hilarious!!
Local Celebrity (no autographs, please)
Local Celebrity (no autographs, please)

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Could I make a suggestion? Empty Re: Could I make a suggestion?

Post by admin Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:26 am

petesaparte wrote:Hi there!
You're exactly right in the way that this type of forum is intended to be used and feel free to post topics separately - we think that more people will catch on to the regular way that a forum works. The Fox blog was the first time that many of these people have ever posted or discussed anything online before so they don't understand the whole concept yet. For them it's easier to just keep one running thread of conversation.

They will probably start getting used to it and they will eventually start seeing the value in threads that are about specific topics and will start posting that way. If they don't - the others (like us) can still use the forum that way and they can keep their thread too.

You cracked me up with the Stash too - LOL that is hilarious!!
Wow, thank you Pete, you said much better than I could, thank you. I think once everyone gets their feet wet, they will start to branch out and use the forum as it is intended. I think it has just all been more than a little overwhelming for some people, I totally understand that. I do appreciate your suggestion Obsessed....and you are exactly right. I'm just too tired and worn out from writing all day to express it well. :oops:

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Could I make a suggestion? Empty Re: Could I make a suggestion?

Post by obsessedviewer Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:31 am

petesaparte wrote:Hi there!
You're exactly right in the way that this type of forum is intended to be used and feel free to post topics separately - we think that more
[size=18]Wow, thank you Pete, you said much better than I could, thank you. I think once everyone gets their feet wet, they will start to branch out and use the forum as it is intended. I think it has just all been more than a little overwhelming for some people, I totally understand that. I do appreciate your suggestion Obsessed....and you are exactly right. I'm just too tired and worn out from writing all day to express it well.
Yeah I know how you feel. I'm sure everyone will eventually catch on we were all beginners at one time. Like I said if it wasn't for Big Brother I wouldn't know. But after what 9 seasons I guess I'm a pro.
Squirrel Hunter
Squirrel Hunter

Job/hobbies : I love sewing, quilting, blogging, scrapbooking

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Could I make a suggestion? Empty Re: Could I make a suggestion?

Post by wdisne2000 Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:51 am

I hope I am on the right page. It is difficult to find where I left off last night...Good Morning Everyone :flower:
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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Could I make a suggestion? Empty Re: Could I make a suggestion?

Post by petesaparte Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:12 pm

wdisne2000 wrote:I hope I am on the right page. It is difficult to find where I left off last night...Good Morning Everyone :flower:
Good morning! Are you looking for the main blog? Here is the link to that https://justice4caylee.forumotion.net/main-blog-f10/main-blog-1-t124.htm

On the home page, it is in the link titled "main blog" - I hope this helps you! ☀ ☀
Local Celebrity (no autographs, please)
Local Celebrity (no autographs, please)

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