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Casey Anthony: ‘48 Hours Mystery’ answers a few questions - OS

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Post by mom_in_il Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:35 pm

Casey Anthony: ‘48 Hours Mystery’ answers a few questions
posted by halboedeker on April, 22 2011 9:40 AM

Readers have been asking about that focus group assembled by “48 Hours Mystery” to weigh the guilt of Casey Anthony.

In the program, which aired last weekend, most of the group said they would acquit Anthony of first-degree murder but most also said they would convict her of involuntary manslaughter. Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee. The trial will start next month.

Defense consultant Richard Gabriel guided the mock jury — CBS calls it a focus group — and he was not compensated in any way by CBS, the network told me. Of course, having someone with the defense guide the experiment rasises doubts about the results.

But readers had more questions. As you’ll see, CBS News wasn’t very chatty. Here are the questions and the responses:

Me: Are you identifying the company that set up the focus group?

48 Hours Mystery: No.

Me: Was Gabriel affiliated with that company in any way?

48 Hours Mystery: No.

Me: Was the focus group made up of actors?

48 Hours Mystery: No.

If you have more questions, send them along. I’ll try to get answers.

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