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CANADA • Donna RENAUD,16 - Rene FISCHER,18 ~ Fort St. John BC

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CANADA • Donna RENAUD,16 - Rene FISCHER,18 ~ Fort St. John BC Empty CANADA • Donna RENAUD,16 - Rene FISCHER,18 ~ Fort St. John BC

Post by karma Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:18 pm

RCMP searching for missing teens
January 13, 2011

CANADA • Donna RENAUD,16 - Rene FISCHER,18 ~ Fort St. John BC Mising10

Photo: This is a photo of the couple taken from Facebook. If anyone has a better photo of the couple, email contact@energeticcity.ca

The RCMP is seeking public assistance in its search for a missing teenage couple from the Fort St. John area.

16 year old Donna Renaud, and 18 year old Rene Fischer, were reported missing January 3rd.

The couple was last seen January 7th boarding a Greyhound bus in Watson Lake bound for Fort Nelson, but failed to arrive at that destination. Police believe the couple got off the bus somewhere between Fort Nelson and Watson Lake.

Police describe the missing girl as five feet tall, with a slim build, blue eyes, and brown hair.

Her missing boyfriend...who speaks with a German accent...is said to be 6'1, with a slim build, blue eyes, and short bushy and curly hair.

Anyone with information that may lead to the couple's whereabouts is asked to contact the neareast detachment of the RCMP, or to call the toll free Crime Stoppers number 1-800-222-8477.

YOu can also provide tips online at www.crimestoppersfsj.ca


********** U P D A T E **********

Donna Renaud and Rene Fischer: FOUND safe

January 17, 2011
Two teens reported missing on Jan. 3, 2011, have been located.

The Fort St. John RCMP have confirmed to Energeticcity.ca, that the teens were located in Dawson Creek on Jan. 13.

16 year-old Donna Renaud and 18 year-old Rene Fischer were last seen Jan. 7, boarding a Greyhound bus in Watson Lake bound for Fort Nelson. The pair failed to arrive and Police started to their search.

The RCMP state both were found in good condition and have closed the file on this case.


Last edited by karma on Tue Jan 18, 2011 2:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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