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Fla. Media Outlets Appeal Casey Judge's Order - WESH

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Fla. Media Outlets Appeal Casey Judge's Order - WESH Empty Fla. Media Outlets Appeal Casey Judge's Order - WESH

Post by mom_in_il Wed May 04, 2011 3:35 am

Fla. Media Outlets Appeal Casey Judge's Order
POSTED: 6:28 pm EDT May 3, 2011
UPDATED: 6:58 pm EDT May 3, 2011


ORLANDO, Fla. -- Several media outlets have appealed a decision by Judge Belvin Perry to keep the location of jury selection for the Casey Anthony trial a secret.

The appeal stems from a motion by WOFL, WKMG, WPTV, WFTS, Central Florida News 13, The Associated Press and several other media outlets that said Perry's actions to withhold the location of jury selection limits access to a court proceeding.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/27765200/detail.html#ixzz1LLpnJ6he
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