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Jury Selection Continues, The Defense Theories Are Coming To Light……..But Are They Blaming George For Casey’s Actions, Or Caylee’s Murder? - niecey

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Jury Selection Continues, The Defense Theories Are Coming To Light……..But Are They Blaming George For Casey’s Actions, Or Caylee’s Murder? - niecey Empty Jury Selection Continues, The Defense Theories Are Coming To Light……..But Are They Blaming George For Casey’s Actions, Or Caylee’s Murder? - niecey

Post by mom_in_il Mon May 16, 2011 1:01 pm

Jury Selection Continues, The Defense Theories Are Coming To Light……..But Are They Blaming George For Casey’s Actions, Or Caylee’s Murder?


Six days of jury selection have come and gone, and at least one to two more days, if not more, in jury selection lies ahead. Starting Monday the jury selection continues in Caylees case, and will likely at least continue through Tuesday. In the six days of jury selection that has already happened there have been a few shocking revelations. The first of the revelations is that in the mitigation part of the trial, or the penalty phase, should Casey be found guilty of murder, the defense has revealed what they intend to use as a defense for Casey’s actions. Her parents, her childhood, abuse, sexually, verbally, blah, blah, blah…………They intend to maintain that her brain is under developed because she was used as a pawn for appearances sake by her parents, that she was not protected by her parents, that she, as a result is immature and impulsive, blah, blah, blah…….. Now, we knew that Anne Finnell is and has been the mitigation expert for the penalty phase, but what we didn’t know, the second revelation is that Casey has another mitigation expert that is helping to shore all of this horse hockey up. The other mitigation expert is none other than Rosalie Bolin, an attorney that has many years experience in death penalty cases. In fact she was let go from a job for getting too involved in one particular death penalty case that apparently meant so much to her that at some point she left her husband and four children, divorced her husband and married a serial rapist/murderer. I guess it would take a person like that to help concoct such a rotten theory as the one they will ultimately use to explain Casey’s actions, should she be convicted.

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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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