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ULIANA SHEVCHUK - 7 yo - Fair Oaks CA

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ULIANA SHEVCHUK - 7 yo - Fair Oaks CA Empty ULIANA SHEVCHUK - 7 yo - Fair Oaks CA

Post by kiwimom Fri May 20, 2011 10:02 am

FAIR OAKS, CA - Sacramento deputies say a 7-year-old girl found in some bushes has died.
According to Sacramento County Sheriff's spokesman Jason Ramos the
child was reported missing in a Fair Oaks neighborhood Thursday night.
The girl was later discovered in some bushes near her home on the intersection of Vir Mar Street and Fairway 2 Avenue.
Ramos added that deputies said the girl ran off after returning home
from dinner with some family members. He said she may have a
pre-existing medical condition, but investigators aren't sure.
She was taken to the hospital where she later died.
At this point, deputies have not ruled out foul play and are investigating the case as a suspicious death.

Last edited by kiwimom on Sat May 21, 2011 10:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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ULIANA SHEVCHUK - 7 yo - Fair Oaks CA Empty Re: ULIANA SHEVCHUK - 7 yo - Fair Oaks CA

Post by kiwimom Fri May 20, 2011 10:03 am

A missing Fair Oaks 7-year-old girl was found not breathing after a
quick search determined her location by Sacramento County Sheriff's
deputies late Thursday, said Sheriff's spokesman Jason Ramos.

Sheriff's deputies were able to airflight the girl to nearby Mercy
San Juan Hospital where doctors were unable to resuscitate her, said

The girl, identified as Yalina, was reported missing on the 4900
block of Vir Mar Street when she disappeared while walking home with her

"Walking to the apartment, the daughter ran ahead of the parents and they lost sight of her," said Ramos.

Ramos said officers were able to quickly respond to the scene with
ground units and a helicopter. The helicopter found the girl in bushes
nearby her home. The helicopter also happened to have an emergency
medical unit onboard, Ramos said.

Ramos explained the girl may have had a preexisting heart condition,
but information is still being gathered at the time of this report.

Ramos explains the girl was found fully clothed. While Sheriff's
detectives are still questioning the parents and will continue to
consider it a crime scene until determined otherwise, the girl was found
without any visibly inflicted trauma.http://fairoaks.patch.com/articles/girl-found-dead-after-being-reported-missing-by-parents
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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ULIANA SHEVCHUK - 7 yo - Fair Oaks CA Empty Re: ULIANA SHEVCHUK - 7 yo - Fair Oaks CA

Post by kiwimom Sat May 21, 2011 10:28 am

A 7-year-old girl who was pronounced dead
after being found unresponsive near her home Thursday night had a heart
condition, her family told sheriff's deputies, investigators reported

Uliana Shevchuk of Fair Oaks was pronounced dead after she was found in bushes near the Fair Oaks apartment complex where her family lives.

Investigators found no signs of foul play at the scene, said sheriff's spokesman Deputy Jason Ramos.

Deputies responded to Vir Mar Street near Fairway 2 Avenue at 10:52
p.m., after the girl's parents reported her missing, Ramos said. Shortly
after arriving, deputies found the girl in bushes along the side of the
street, he said.
After deputies found Shevchuk, a law enforcement
helicopter that had responded for the initial search touched down in the
street to allow an on-board paramedic to treat the girl, Ramos said.
Paramedics arrived by ambulance shortly after and transported the
Shevchuk to Mercy San Juan Hospital, where she was pronounced dead,
Ramos said.
Investigators determined that the girl and her parents had returned
home from an outing late Thursday and parked about a half-block from the
apartment complex, Ramos said. While they walked to their apartment,
the girl ran ahead of her parents and they lost sight of her.
When they reached their door, the girl's parents could not find her there, Ramos said. They then reported her missing.
The bushes where the girl was found are in "close proximity" to the
path the family would have taken from their car to their apartment,
Ramos said.
The Sacramento County Coroner's Office will determine the official
cause of death. The death was not being treated as suspicious, and
homicide detectives did not respond to the scene.

Read more: http://blogs.sacbee.com/crime/archives/2011/05/sheriff-fair-oa.html#ixzz1Myuq1Rcm
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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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ULIANA SHEVCHUK - 7 yo - Fair Oaks CA Empty Re: ULIANA SHEVCHUK - 7 yo - Fair Oaks CA

Post by inmyfloridaopinion Sun May 29, 2011 3:44 am

Fair Oaks girl found in bushes identified
11:20 AM, May 20, 201

................Investigators have ruled out foul play.


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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : Family (and Zoo) Keeper

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ULIANA SHEVCHUK - 7 yo - Fair Oaks CA Empty Re: ULIANA SHEVCHUK - 7 yo - Fair Oaks CA

Post by inmyfloridaopinion Sun May 29, 2011 3:47 am

May 20, 2011

Fair Oaks girl found dead had heart condition, parents say

By Matt Kawahara and Bill Lindelof

A 7-year-old girl who was pronounced dead after being found unresponsive near her home Thursday night had a heart condition, her family told sheriff's deputies, investigators reported today.

Read more:

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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : Family (and Zoo) Keeper

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