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Casey Anthony New Look in Black, New Body Language and Seriousness of Judge Perry - Glass

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Casey Anthony New Look in Black, New Body Language and Seriousness of Judge Perry - Glass Empty Casey Anthony New Look in Black, New Body Language and Seriousness of Judge Perry - Glass

Post by mom_in_il Sat May 21, 2011 5:12 pm

Casey Anthony New Look in Black, New Body Language and Seriousness of Judge Perry
May 21, 2011 - 3 Responses


It seems that Jose Baez and the defense team may be taking my blogs to heart when it comes to Casey as there has been a dramatic change in Casey both dress wise and in her courtroom body language and demeanor.

There has been a dramatic shift in her appearance from Day 1 to Day 11.

From an image point view Casey looks much better in the black pants complete with matching black flat ballet type shoes. It gives her a more mature look. The black top underneath with the ruffles work. Image wise it says a lot. Black speaks of mourning. Even if she isn’t mourning for Casey, she is mourning for herself and that at least keeps it real.

If she wore a black suit jacket with the blouses she has underneath them it would be a sign of respect on her part and would also distance her from the party girl image.

Her hair also looked much better – away from her face and de-Snookied. She looked serious and ready to face her jurors without a manipulative baby style that would subconsciously anger jurors.

Casey deserves a fair trial and if she keeps dressing as she did when the jurors were sworn in, along with a black jacket to go with her black pants, I believe she is more likely to get that fair trial. As she keeps it real, the jury can focus on what is really important and not be prejudiced by her look or appearance or, behavior.

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