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Satan Sports Long Johns, Freezerburned Pigs Fly Through Hell, and George and Cindy Anthony Tell the Truth - eggtreenews

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Satan Sports Long Johns, Freezerburned Pigs Fly Through Hell, and George and Cindy Anthony Tell the Truth - eggtreenews Empty Satan Sports Long Johns, Freezerburned Pigs Fly Through Hell, and George and Cindy Anthony Tell the Truth - eggtreenews

Post by mom_in_il Tue May 31, 2011 4:35 pm

31 May
Satan Sports Long Johns, Freezerburned Pigs Fly Through Hell, and George and Cindy Anthony Tell the Truth

Posted May 31, 2011 by eggtreenews


-Planet Casey

Wonders truly never cease. Shock and awe reverberated through the Orlando courthouse- nay, the world- last week, when Casey Anthony’s parents took to the witness stand and DIDN’T spew a gutterfull of lies on her behalf. Jose Baez’s vile excuse for an opening statement had accused George of sexually abusing Casey to the point she disconnected from reality, truth, responsibility, ethics, empathy, and basic human decency, leaving many spectators wondering if her parents would voluntarily throw themselves under the bus with their testimony. Spoiler alert: they didn’t. It appears that even beaten dogs have their limits.

Previously known only as “local fool,” local hero George Anthony stepped up to the plate and flaunted his brand new backbone when he calmly denied all of his daughter’s bogus molestation allegations. And I have to say, that backbone looks good on him; much better than the jello-on-a-slinky he’s been sporting all these years. His testimony didn’t deviate from his early statements and depositions, causing most reporters to pinch themselves and wonder aloud if they were awake.

More: http://eggtreenews.wordpress.com/2011/05/31/satan-sports-long-johns-freezerburned-pigs-fly-through-hell-and-george-and-cindy-anthony-tell-the-truth/
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