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Shocking! - andrea

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Shocking! - andrea Empty Shocking! - andrea

Post by mom_in_il Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:39 am

June 6, 2011


The Charming Dr. Arpad Vass

It was a fine day of testimony for the prosecution in the State v. Casey Anthony! The testimony of Dr. Arpad Vass, Research Scientist with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (The Body Farm), was just as brilliant today as it was during the Frye hearings.

There is no doubt that the jury reacted well to him – all the “tweets” I read from inside the courtroom, indicated the jurors were keenly interested in his testimony. Well, not when Baez was doing his cross – that fell flat in most instances, though Baez did okay at times.

Lot’s of Tweets said the jurors were irritated at all the objections from Baez – he was trying to disrupt Vass midstream – just when he was getting to the interesting part of his story / explanation. It was quite a learning experience for me – Dr. Vass breaks it down so easily, too.

Overall, this was extremely damaging testimony. Dr. Vass said, in regards to the levels of chloroform compounds detected in the analysis of Casey’s car, they were higher than he’s ever seen in any decomposition analysis he’d done or seen. Higher than anything he’d seen in all the twenty years he has been working in his field.

More: http://andreadreamin.com/2011/06/06/shocking/
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