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Anger from the heavens?

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Anger from the heavens? Empty Anger from the heavens?

Post by ThunderHawk Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:01 pm

Last night, hours after the final words in the case 'for' Caylee, the heavens appeared to express outrage as well!. At the site our dear Caylee was found LIGHTENING STRUCK a tree there! That it struck on the very day the trial concluded with that outrageous verdict is, to me, not just coincidence. The verdict this week made by humans is nothing compared to the judgment she'll face in the future by God. I believe this was a sign of great significance. Perhaps to remind, reassure & calm us - that yet to come is the most important judgment. No matter what one believes happens after this life, be it heaven or that one comes back, there will be judgment. A judgment on acts that can't be hidden & truth that can't be denied then. This week's 'judgement' pales in comparison to what is yet to be. Truly I believe the lightening hitting the tree at Caylee's site was a sign a 'blind man in the dark could see'!! Peace & blessings to all here

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