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NYS Launching "Missing Adult Alerts" System

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NYS Launching "Missing Adult Alerts" System Empty NYS Launching "Missing Adult Alerts" System

Post by TomTerrific0420 Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:27 pm

"The Missing Adults Alert system will help law enforcement find
elderly and impaired New Yorkers who become lost and get them home
safely," Cuomo said. "This system has saved lives regarding missing
children, and now it will provide the same assistance when it comes to
finding vulnerable adults."
Cuomo signed the law creating the notification system in July. It's
meant to get out information regarding missing adults with dementia,
Alzheimer's, or cognitive impairments. Tools which can be used to find
the missing, as in the case of the Amber Alerts for children,
include posters, a toll-free hotline and partnerships with broadcasters.

Anyone interested in receiving alerts may sign up at www.nyalert.gov.
NYS Launching "Missing Adult Alerts" System Nyalert%2010-24-2011%201-25-56%20PM

Cuomo's office said that according to the Alzheimer's Association,
more than 60% of Alzheimer sufferers will wander and 50% are at risk of
serious harm -- or death -- if not found within 24 hours. Those with
dementia disorders or brain injuries may be unaware of danger and unable
to ask for help getting home.
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