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Casey Anthony: Jeff Deen says the acquittal didn’t surprise him HAL

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Casey Anthony: Jeff Deen says the acquittal didn’t surprise him  HAL Empty Casey Anthony: Jeff Deen says the acquittal didn’t surprise him HAL

Post by Verogal Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:55 am


Q. What was the most memorable moment for you?

A. “The most memorable moment was during the day of closing arguments, when the attorneys finally blew up at each other. I thought that was very enlightening. I thought it was one of the most honest moments. I know Cheney Mason and Jeff Ashton and Linda Drane Burdick. Finally, they were at the end, emotionally drained, and it got to them all. I thought that was one of Mr. [Jose] Baez’s most impressive moments, when he said he didn’t want anyone to get in trouble.”

Q. Anything you would have done differently?

A. “Yes, I would have talked slower. I thought a lot of times when I explained things, it’s easy to forget people may not know what you’re speaking about. I used too many pronouns. It gets a little confusing when you’re not articulate about who you’re talking about.”

Q. What do you think the analysis did for the law?

A. “A lot of things done in court are not like TV. Things are subtle. Some of us went out of our way to explain the process. Cases aren’t resolved in 30 minutes. They’re complicated. A number of us tried to do that. I’m not impressed with the Nancy Graces of the world. They forget these are real people dealing with real tragedies. I get annoyed by that. Most lawyers locally were not doing that. They were not Nancy Graces. They were interested in informing people.”

Q. Did you have a memorable reaction from the public?

A. “I hate saying this. I was one of the few people saying it wasn’t a slam dunk. I was aiming toward a hung jury. It doesn’t surprise me she was acquitted. I was saying there were big questions. People I spoke to remember that with me. That’s one of the things said to me: ‘You were right on the money.’ ”
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