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The Latest In The Casey Anthony Soap Opera, Letting It Go & Moving On--niecey

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The Latest In The Casey Anthony Soap Opera, Letting It Go & Moving On--niecey Empty The Latest In The Casey Anthony Soap Opera, Letting It Go & Moving On--niecey

Post by Verogal Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:09 am


This case is like the Energizer Bunny………….It keeps going and going and going and going and going……………………………and going and going……………..It seems to have no end. Personally, for me it was over with the verdict and with the initial interviews that really told the TRUTH. The TRUTH is the defense that was presented for Casey Anthony was a LIE. That is why the consulting firm trolled the blogs, facebook and other social media for almost 3 years coming up with a theory for Casey’s defense. The TRUTH is that going by what the jurors (that spoke early on after the trial) had to say, they could have convicted her of manslaughter, they didn’t because 6 of them strong armed the other 6 into letting her off. Most of them were likely tired and wanted to go home to their lives. So now the jurors’ names have been released to the public. I’m really not sure why that really matters at this point. No one should harass them (including the media). No one should threaten them. They should be able to live their lives as if no one knew who they were. It is done. It is water under the bridge.



Casey Anthony is a liar and a thief. She has been convicted of both of those crimes. As far as Caylee’s death, at the very least she was a completely negligent, selfish mother, whose daughter died as a result, or (as most of us believe) she is a cold, callous murderer and she got away with it. Regardless, it is over. It’s done. No matter which it is, she will never tell the TRUTH. She’s serving her probation, she’s getting special treatment, as she does not have to find a job, or go to school (in lieu of finding a job) like everyone else on probation. The State Of Florida should be ashamed of that fact. Hopefully when she’s done she will flee to Mexico and become a Mexican citizen, but whether she does or she doesn’t…………..As long as she doesn’t have any more children, or take up any profession in child care, no one should care. I think the DCF flag on her record will take care of that, at least the second one anyway. If she does have another child, they will likely watch her like a hawk. Hopefully.



Jose Baez has two complaints against him at the Florida Bar, which have reached the level of the “Grievance Committee”. We have seen that before. The good news is that this time it is over court orders he violated, therefore, he may just face some punishment for his bad behavior yet. Wouldn’t it be lovely? Apparently the Orange ...

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