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Is Baez and defense Team funded by ABC/Disney???

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Is Baez and defense Team funded by ABC/Disney??? Empty Is Baez and defense Team funded by ABC/Disney???

Post by FRG Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:21 pm

This is a from blinkoncrime, I don't know how reliable their source is, but found it very interesting, nothing new but something to think about it:


"Is Jose Baez and Cum- Laud- Clan Defense Team for Casey Anthony Funded by ABC?"
Posted by Blink | "Todd Black", Casey Anthony, Caylee Anthony Case, Jose Baez, Todd Macaluso | Tuesday 10 March 2009 1:34 pm

There has been much public outrage about the possibility that the media or Entertainment rights brokers are footing the bill for Jose Baez and his hand-selected dry aged dream team. Could we be close to finding out the truth?

The latest discovery documents, ongoing Florida Bar Investigation into his representation and this Friday’s Special hearing request by the State’s Attorney’s Office all seem to include a common denominator: Kaitlyn Folmer and abc.

Ms. Folmer is an NYU grad and producer at ABC. She has credits for segment production on the Good Morning America Show and several bi lines as a reporter. She also has a large expense account apparently. It has been verified through several witness interviews and security footage directly from the Ritz Carlton; She paid the Camp Casey dinner at Norman’s for 10 people and 4 rooms for 3 days. She had help.

ABC is owned by Disney. Arguably the largest employer in the Orlando areaand owner of the Disney Park attractions and competitor to Universal Studios. Universal is the infamous backdrop of the “ok I don’t really work here” skit, Casey Anthony’s former employer and extended cover in lieu of an actual job since her firing in 2006. The irony in this case, if true, is staggering. The very Icon of joy and delight for children all over the world, is helping to support a woman who is accused of murdering one of their target market.

Puttin’ On The Ritz

December 11, 2008 is a day most involved in the search for Caylee Marie Anthony will not soon forget. Forged in my memory are the tears I shared with Tim Miller, founder of Texas Equusearch as well as other members of TES, my conversation with an FBI agent at the scene and the text messages I sent to Sgt. Allen and Cpl. Melich. Throughout the day I received numerous calls and email asking me what I knew. I shared what I was told with the only people with as much sweat and emotional investment in this baby as I had, my research team. It was the sort of surreal occurance that you experience when you remember what you were wearing, what you ate, who you spoke with, where you were, and where you were not. I was not at the Ritz Carlton Grande Lakes, Orlando. I did not spend three nights in the Deluxe Lake Front View Room 1022.

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