Is It Time For Casey Anthony Lead Attorney Jose Baez To Step Down?
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Is It Time For Casey Anthony Lead Attorney Jose Baez To Step Down?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Is It Time For Casey Anthony Lead Attorney Jose Baez To Step Down?
Yesterday was another pre trial hearing day for murder defendant Casey Anthony, but to say that yesterday's hearing was a good day for lead defense attorney Jose Baez would be a joke. Every motion that he put before Judge Stan Strickland was struck down and with the exemption of a few smiles and physical gestures between he and his client, there was nothing positive that came out of yesterday's Casey Anthony court hearing for her.
Some people today were asking the question if it is now time for Jose Baez to step down as Casey Anthony lead attorney of record? From my point of view, Jose Baez has been in way over his head now for months and even the prosecution in this case seems to be trying to help Baez do the right thing so they don't have to wait another year to put Casey Anthony on trial for the murder of her daughter Caylee.
There are two big sad facts in this murder case. The first one involves Casey Anthony not being able to admit to herself or anyone else that she killed her own daughter and the second sad fact is that Casey Anthony's lead attorney Jose Baez is in so far over his league in this case that he may personally create future legal hurtles that could be appealed which could keep Casey Anthony from receiving the justice that she rightfully deserves at trial in October.
Is It Time For Casey Anthony Lead Attorney Jose Baez To Step Down?
Yesterday was another pre trial hearing day for murder defendant Casey Anthony, but to say that yesterday's hearing was a good day for lead defense attorney Jose Baez would be a joke. Every motion that he put before Judge Stan Strickland was struck down and with the exemption of a few smiles and physical gestures between he and his client, there was nothing positive that came out of yesterday's Casey Anthony court hearing for her.
Some people today were asking the question if it is now time for Jose Baez to step down as Casey Anthony lead attorney of record? From my point of view, Jose Baez has been in way over his head now for months and even the prosecution in this case seems to be trying to help Baez do the right thing so they don't have to wait another year to put Casey Anthony on trial for the murder of her daughter Caylee.
There are two big sad facts in this murder case. The first one involves Casey Anthony not being able to admit to herself or anyone else that she killed her own daughter and the second sad fact is that Casey Anthony's lead attorney Jose Baez is in so far over his league in this case that he may personally create future legal hurtles that could be appealed which could keep Casey Anthony from receiving the justice that she rightfully deserves at trial in October.
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