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Dear Jose Baez…………Please Stop Hamming It Up, We Are On To You & Giordano - Niecey

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Dear Jose Baez…………Please Stop Hamming It Up, We Are On To You & Giordano - Niecey Empty Dear Jose Baez…………Please Stop Hamming It Up, We Are On To You & Giordano - Niecey

Post by mom_in_il Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:07 pm

Dear Jose Baez…………Please Stop Hamming It Up, We Are On To You & Giordano
Posted on December 11, 2011 by niecey456


Dear Jose Baez,

This post is for you. I never had any respect for you as Casey Anthony’s attorney simply because I followed the case, the money trail (which you were not completely honest to the court about), the spin, your track record and even the way you inadvertently threw your own client under the bus at times. I can remember when Jesse Grund pleaded for Casey to tell the truth and you responded in such a way that was a clear admission of her guilt, more than 2 months before Caylee’s remains were found, when you all (you and the Anthony camp) were claiming that Caylee was alive and that she was kidnapped by Zanny The Nanny. Remember this?:

More: http://niecey456.com/2011/12/11/dear-jose-baez-please-stop-hamming-it-up-we-are-on-to-you-giordano/
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