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posting pics in your replies

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posting pics in your replies Empty posting pics in your replies

Post by oviedo45 Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:20 pm

Just go to the HTML code box underneath the pic, right click and you get a little box that says copied.
When you get back here to the reply box, left click and go to paste and you're done.

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posting pics in your replies Empty Re: posting pics in your replies

Post by mom_in_il Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:54 pm

Select "Host an Image" (15th little icon) from the tool bar when you are posting.

Click on “Browse” and find the file of the image on your computer.

Click on “Open” or double-click to open the file for the image you want to post.

Click on "Host it"

Then click on "Copy" highlighting the Image code (2nd one down) Right click and "copy"

Then left click back in your post box, right click and "paste" into your post.

Click “Preview” and then “Send”
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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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