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Roosevelt Bradley III

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Roosevelt Bradley III Empty Roosevelt Bradley III

Post by Mistified1106 Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:24 am

Hello, I am a new member. My best friend is Elizabeth Bradley. Her son Roosevelt Bradley III was murdered by his father at 8 months old. For two days now I have sat at trial awaiting a conviction. Elizabeth had separated from him due to domestic violence, and had removed her older daughter(not his child) from the home also. SHE IS NOT ALLOWED TO SAY HE ABUSED HER, her child, or that she was in a domestic violence shelter. This is a travesty. Why do child killers get such rights? Why can't the jury know her repeatedly abused several people. And WHY, for gods sake didn't the state of Florida take this violent persons visitation rights? I am devastated and hoping for a conviction. Please pray for Elizabeth, and for gods sake, help hear the voices of women and children who are in bad situations. Thank you

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