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4 yo Boy drowns in pool - Orlando FL

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4 yo Boy drowns in pool - Orlando FL Empty 4 yo Boy drowns in pool - Orlando FL

Post by TomTerrific0420 Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:05 am

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Investigators were considering filing criminal charges Sunday after a missing child's body was found in a swimming pool.

Authorities with the Orange County Sheriff's Office were called to Pine Hills after a woman said she couldn't find her 4-year-old son.

Deputies began searching for the boy, and found him face down in a swimming pool.

The child was transported to Florida Hospital-Orlando for treatment.

A neighbor assisted in the search effort.

"I don't know how he got into the pool. I don't know, but he must have been there about 30 minutes," a neighbor said.

The child was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/30272625/detail.html#ixzz1kFMlockD
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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4 yo Boy drowns in pool - Orlando FL Empty Re: 4 yo Boy drowns in pool - Orlando FL

Post by TomTerrific0420 Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:07 am

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Authorities say a 4-year-old boy reported missing by his mother drowned in a neighbor's swimming pool.

The Orlando Sentinel reports that Orange County deputies were in Pine Hills on an unrelated call late Sunday morning when the boy's mother approached them to say he was missing.

Sheriff's Lt. Todd Gardiner says a deputy sheriff soon found the boy face-down in a neighbor's pool. Deputies attempted CPR on the boy, who was transported by rescue crews to an area hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Gardiner said criminal charges are pending.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/01/22/2602918/boy-4-drowns-in-neighbors-pool.html#storylink=cpy
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : Searching for Truth and Justice

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4 yo Boy drowns in pool - Orlando FL Empty Re: 4 yo Boy drowns in pool - Orlando FL

Post by babyjustice Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:27 am

So so tragic and unfortunately a common occurence in FL. You gotta keep your eyes on any toddler at all times especially if they cannot swim. Hope that neighbor had a fence around that pool as it's required in most cities. If not, maybe that's why they mentioned making an arrest in the first article.

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