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Hal Boedecker the TV Guy (Orlando Sentinel)

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Hal Boedecker the TV Guy  (Orlando Sentinel) - Page 2 Empty Jose Baez says ethics allegations motivate him to fight harder

Post by mom_in_il Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:14 pm

Jose Baez says ethics allegations motivate him to fight harder for client who says she is not guilty

posted by halboedeker on Sep 1, 2009 6:49:51 PM

After being cleared of several ethics allegations, Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez was speaking out on WKMG-Channel 6 tonight. The CBS affiliate scheduled the exclusive interview at 6:30 p.m. to compete with national news on ABC and NBC.

"Jose Baez says he knew he did nothing wrong, so it came as no surprise to him when he received this letter from the Florida Bar clearing him of an ethics complaint," WKMG's Mike DeForest reported.

Baez insisted that he never told former private investigator Dominic Casey to do anything unethical, DeForest said. Baez had no idea why the private eye would make such a charge. Baez was cleared after a four-month review by the Florida Bar.

"It's discouraging to hear your name thrown around like mud, especially when you work so hard," Baez told DeForest. "I know what it's like to be accused of something you haven't done. So what it does is it really motivates me to fight harder."

That feeling evidently has cemented the bond between Baez and his client. Anthony is charged with the first-degree murder of her daughter, Caylee.

"My client has told me she's not guilty, and I'm working hard and doing everything that I can as her legal counsel to put the state to its burden," Baez said.

Baez had no comment on another ethics allegation that involves his former public-relations spokesman, a convicted felon who used a fake name.

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