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JUDITH CHARTIER - 17 yo (1982) - Chelmsford MA

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JUDITH CHARTIER - 17 yo (1982) - Chelmsford MA Empty JUDITH CHARTIER - 17 yo (1982) - Chelmsford MA

Post by mom_in_il Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:21 pm

Bones Found In Former Chelmsford Home Of Woman Missing 30 Years

August 10, 2012 6:48 PM

CHELMSFORD (CBS) – Bones have been found inside a house that once belonged to a missing woman’s family. Now everyone is wondering if they could solve a mystery that’s lingered for three decades.

Judy Chartier vanished in 1982 when she was 17 years old. Detectives have long thought she was kidnapped and killed.

After she died, her parents bought a home on Gorham Street in Chelmsford. That’s where the bones were discovered in the basement. State Police and the Middlesex DA are confirming absolutely nothing. But the proximity to where Judy lived and the ownership angle are raising the possibility of a link.

Judy was Roger Balkum’s fiancée when she went missing. On Friday, he was thinking about a phone that never rang one night 30 years ago.

“I’d get like a two ring call that would let me know she got home,” says Balkum. “I never got that call.”

Judy never made that “I’m OK” call after dropping him at home in the early morning hours of June 5th, 1982.

Police would later determine she went back to a party in Billerica, and disappeared.

“For awhile they were looking at me and giving me a hard time and stuff but I cooperated as best I could, I had nothing to hide,” says Balkum.

The case went cold quickly, and three decades passed until Wednesday, when the bones were uncovered. That may be meaningful or meaningless. Police are making no connection, saying only that the bones are heading for testing at the state crime lab.


Last edited by mom_in_il on Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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JUDITH CHARTIER - 17 yo (1982) - Chelmsford MA Empty Re: JUDITH CHARTIER - 17 yo (1982) - Chelmsford MA

Post by mom_in_il Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:22 pm

NCMEC Poster: http://www.missingkids.com/missingkids/servlet/PubCaseSearchServlet?act=viewPoster&caseNum=600731&orgPrefix=NCMC&searchLang=en_US
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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JUDITH CHARTIER - 17 yo (1982) - Chelmsford MA Empty Re: JUDITH CHARTIER - 17 yo (1982) - Chelmsford MA

Post by mom_in_il Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:27 pm

Source: Bones found at family home of missing Chelmsford girl are animal

By Sarah Favot, sfavot@lowellsun.com
Updated: 08/13/2012 06:15:03 PM EDT

CHELMSFORD -- Bones found at the home that once belonged to the family of Judith Ann Chartier do not belong to a human, a source confirmed.

Chartier disappeared on June 5, 1982, after attending a party in Billerica. Neither she nor her car has been seen since. She was 17. At the time, her family lived at 70 Gorham St., just down the street.

Local detectives and state police assigned to Middlesex District Attorney Gerard Leone's office had conducted a two-day evidentiary search last week at the home at 54 Gorham St.

A spokeswoman from Leone's office said late Monday, "Our evidentiary search has concluded," regarding the ongoing investigation at the home.

Pastore declined to comment further regarding the results of the investigation.

The District Attorney's Office had not confirmed bones had been removed from the home at 54 Gorham St. A source had told The Sun bones were removed from the home and sent to a state police forensics lab.

Read more: http://www.lowellsun.com/breakingnews/ci_21303686/source-bones-found-at-family-home-missing-chelmsford#ixzz23WixWyjT
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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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