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Casey Anthony meets with book publisher in New York + CNN

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Casey Anthony meets with book publisher in New York + CNN Empty Casey Anthony meets with book publisher in New York + CNN

Post by mom_in_il Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:52 pm

Sep 18 2012

Casey Anthony meets with book publisher in New York + CNN

A source has revealed to us that Casey Anthony is currently in New York finalizing a book deal with a well-known publisher. Mum’s the word on just who the publisher is, but like it or not folks, it looks like the “tot mom” is finally ready to tell her “story” and will likely be making a few bucks by doing so. Rumor has it she will also be meeting with CNN’s Piers Morgan to discuss the possibility of doing an on-air interview. You may recall Morgan spoke to Anthony briefly over the telephone just a few short months ago.

We’ll have more exclusive details to come regarding this next week.

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