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Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries

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Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries Empty Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries

Post by GP Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:09 pm

Via GossipingPens

Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with Holly Briley, the woman who was complicit in video diary leaks

In stunning information that was sent to us overnight, we can now confirm that Washington Court House, Ohio resident Holly Briley, the woman who claimed responsibility for leaking videos of Casey Anthony earlier this year alongside her husband Jon Briley, the same woman who was caught trying to extort high profile attorney Kim Picazio, and the same woman also responsible for pissing off many Canadians just this week by falsely suggesting that two individuals were murdered (and related to) serial killer Robert Pickton, thus opening up old wounds for those involved in the tragedy, is in fact connected to the “tot mom.” And not only that, but Anthony is now also possibly, allegedly living with Briley – maybe even related to the woman, as George Anthony was a former homicide detective in Warren, Ohio before moving to Florida in the late 80′s. That would explain A LOT.

Not quite up to speed? We’ll get you there.

You may recall videos of Casey Anthony making headlines in January after surfacing on YouTube, causing Jon Briley and Holly Briley to appear on various news programs such as HLN’s Nancy Grace. However, there were many questions surrounding the release of these videos and just how Holly and her husband obtained them. It was originally stated by the couple that they found them on a Pay-Per-View website, however, when asked what that website was the Briley’s could not remember the name of said site. That was a big enough red flag for the general public to stop and wonder if the Briley’s knew more than they were saying, and left many with some serious questions in regards to the Briley’s and their motives. Was there more to the story? Well, as it turns out, yes. Much more.

Radar Online contributor Amber Goodhand appeared on HLN’s Jane Velez Mitchell to discuss the many holes she found in Briley’s story, stating, “I found a new Web site today called CaseyCanSing.com. Now, when you go to that site, it redirects you back to a YouTube page which, oddly enough, is the page of Holly Briley.” You can read the transcript here.

After Goodhand’s appearance on JVM, the website disappeared and Briley was crying foul, claiming she was being impersonated by a man named Paul Francisco, a convicted felon. However, research done by Radar Online later proved that while the CaseyCanSing.com website was registered in his name, it was the Briley’s who were at the helm of the site and Francisco was under their direction. Was Casey trying to become the next Lady Gaga?

But it doesn’t end there.

Then came the strange individual named Amelia Noel Sobel, a character who came onto the scene on October 13th, 2011. The very same day Casey Anthony’s first video diary was recorded. Many people have asked, Who is Amelia Sobel? Why did this person all of a sudden just show up? And why is it that the ONLY articles out there about Amelia Sobel are the ones Holly Briley and RadioNewz wrote? Nikki from The Big Bombshell blog was left with these very questions. On numerous occasions, Jon Briley, the husband of Holly Briley has “vouched” for Amelia. Something else that caused many to raise eyebrows. If Jon vouches for Amelia then why did Holly earlier go on the attack mode against Amelia? Good question. There are only 1 of 2 reasons. 1) She is jealous. 2) Holly or someone in her immediate family is writing as Amelia to throw everyone off track as to what her and Jon are really up to. The latter is true, as it turns out the masterminds behind “Amelia Noel Sobel” were none other than the children of Jon & Holly Briley, Krysta Noel Briley and Brittain Sanders, both University students. Under the pen name “Amelia Noel Sobel,” they also wrote a book with inside information on Anthony which was made available on Amazon. However, much like the CaseyCanSing website, that, too, was quickly pulled offline after the Briley’s were outed.

But just how would they have obtained this so-called “inside information” on Casey Anthony? From none other than Casey Anthony herself. Not only was Casey (allegedly) living with the Briley’s at the time, but the Briley’s were also rumored to be helping Casey profit. It was after her acquittal when Anthony was spotted in Ohio by TMZ. TMZ has also now confirmed to us that it was the Briley’s who set-up this photo-op of Anthony out and about in Columbus. (Don’t believe us? Ask them yourself!) Considering Anthony was on probation at the time and had to declare any money made, she had to go through a third party, and the Briley’s were her meal ticket to some big bucks. Anthony later had to return to Florida to finish the remainder of her probation, but returned to Ohio just last month where she is once again said to be working closely with the Briley’s. Only this time? Anthony is off probation and has much more freedom.

Oh, and lest we not forget Rob Hensley, the man who was alleged to have been Casey Anthony’s boyfriend – the same man who was also Facebook friends with Holly, Jon, Krysta and Brittain. Hensley is also the man who the Briley’s said sent them Casey’s video diary. But wait! Didn’t the Briley’s originally say that they “found” the video on a Pay-Per-View site? So which is it? Did they find it or was it sent to the by Rob? Well, in an interview with Private Investigator Reporter, Hensley claims it was he who leaked the videos. “They [the videos of Casey Anthony] were not hacked. The supporters are saying she was hacked. The haters are saying she was not hacked. The media knows she wasn’t hacked,” said Hensley. He also goes on to accuse Devon Thomas and Michell Dawn Smith of playing a part in the release of the videos.

So basically, what we have here, is a whole bunch of people who cannot seem to keep their story straight, and people who all, in one way or another, seemingly have ties to each other. Franky, this only further corroborates Radar Online’s Amber Goodhand’s discoveries.

All of this would explain why the Briley’s are fervently trying to do anything they can to distance their names from Anthony; they do not want to be “found out,” and more importantly, for whatever reason, likely do not want Casey to be “found out,” either, and possibly want to help her as much as possible. Why? Because while not only is Casey making money with the help of the Briley’s, the Briley’s are potentially receiving a small percentage of that too as per a possible agreement with Anthony. Hence why they have gone on the attack against bloggers William Murtaugh and Brianne Chantal, Radar Online’s Amber Goodhand and NBC producer & correspondent Jim Lichtenstein…just to name a few…because Murtaugh, Chantal, Goodhand and Lichtenstein connected the dots long before anyone else did and knew there was more to the story than what met the eye. At one time it was even suggested by other individuals that Holly Briley may have played a helping hand in the death of Caylee Anthony, but that was pure speculation and could never be confirmed, and while it’s doubtful (even though the Briley’s did live in Florida at one point) it would not be surprising given the connection.

The Briley’s will no doubt deny all of this, something they often do but never have any proof to back themselves up – meanwhile, the proof against them is outstanding. Now, the only question that remains is, how many more tall tales will the Briley’s tell and just how far will they go to protect Casey Anthony, one of the most hated women in America? As of now it seems as though they will stop at nothing.

For more on the Briley’s and their web of lies, we suggest you read The Big Bombshell Blog and The Murt Witness One Archive. Both blogs have great accounts on the harassment than many have been subjected to by the Briley’s, amongst a plethora of other information pertaining to them which you may find interesting.

As for us, this will be the only article we publish on Casey Anthony and the Briley’s. Yes, Casey Anthony was found not guilty and is now free to do as she pleases, but neither she nor the Briley’s are celebrities, and therefore, as much as they might want it, do not deserve any more attention or spotlight placed upon them.

Cricket Tracker
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Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries Empty Re: Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries

Post by inmyfloridaopinion Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:26 pm

GP- Can you please leave a link to accompany the article above?
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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries Empty Re: Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries

Post by GP Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:37 pm

I tried to leave a link but it says new members cannot post links for 7 days

Cricket Tracker
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Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries Empty Re: Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries

Post by mom_in_il Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:26 pm

This might be it:

Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries Empty Re: Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries

Post by mermaid55 Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:02 pm

whistle rolleyes

Brianne Chantal comes “halfway” clean about her Holly Briley fibs! Holy Heifer!

October 5, 2012 | by Radio | Blog

Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries Empty Re: Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries

Post by GP Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:15 pm

If you believe anything on Radio's site then you're a fool.

Cricket Tracker
Cricket Tracker

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Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries Empty Re: Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries

Post by mom_in_il Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:39 pm

FYI: We have very few strict rules here, but please don't disparage or berate other members or their comments.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries Empty Re: Casey Anthony back in Ohio and allegedly living with woman who leaked video diaries

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