Casey Anthony: WKMG uncovers 'evidence that points right at Casey' OS
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Casey Anthony: WKMG uncovers 'evidence that points right at Casey' OS
(comment by that I have had time to digest and think about this...maybe, is something the Feds could now get involved with and we will see Justice At Last!...even another trial if Feds get involved...)
5:01 p.m. EST, November 19, 2012
WKMG-Channel 6 will offer what it is billing as a major story in the Casey Anthony saga.
The report, from Tony Pipitone, won't air until 11 p.m. Tuesday. But WKMG will start promoting the report at 11 p.m. Monday.
"This is one of the biggest Tony Pipitone investigations we've had," WKMG news director Steve Hyvonen said. "Tony uncovers evidence that could have changed the jury's mind -- evidence that points right at Casey. But it was never presented in court because the prosecution didn't know about it. Tony is still working on putting the story together, and it will air Tuesday night at 11."
Anthony was acquitted in July 2011 of murder in the 2008 death of her daughter, Caylee. Anthony is being sued for defamation by Zenaida Gonzalez.
A promotional spot for the report shows a shaken Jose Baez, who represented Anthony, saying, "I don't understand how no one ever knew about this evidence."
By Hal Boedeker,0,6314505.story#tugs_story_display
5:01 p.m. EST, November 19, 2012
WKMG-Channel 6 will offer what it is billing as a major story in the Casey Anthony saga.
The report, from Tony Pipitone, won't air until 11 p.m. Tuesday. But WKMG will start promoting the report at 11 p.m. Monday.
"This is one of the biggest Tony Pipitone investigations we've had," WKMG news director Steve Hyvonen said. "Tony uncovers evidence that could have changed the jury's mind -- evidence that points right at Casey. But it was never presented in court because the prosecution didn't know about it. Tony is still working on putting the story together, and it will air Tuesday night at 11."
Anthony was acquitted in July 2011 of murder in the 2008 death of her daughter, Caylee. Anthony is being sued for defamation by Zenaida Gonzalez.
A promotional spot for the report shows a shaken Jose Baez, who represented Anthony, saying, "I don't understand how no one ever knew about this evidence."
By Hal Boedeker,0,6314505.story#tugs_story_display
Verogal- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Re: Casey Anthony: WKMG uncovers 'evidence that points right at Casey' OS
Speaking of this and Feds...wonder what ever happend to Wendy Murphy saying that Feds involvement due to porn stuff?
Verogal- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Re: Casey Anthony: WKMG uncovers 'evidence that points right at Casey' OS
FEDS Follow the money.
mermaid55- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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