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The Anthony Jurors: The lowest common denominator…by design - karma4caylee

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The Anthony Jurors: The lowest common denominator…by design - karma4caylee Empty The Anthony Jurors: The lowest common denominator…by design - karma4caylee

Post by mom_in_il Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:30 pm

The Anthony Jurors: The lowest common denominator…by design

January 11, 2013


The Casey Anthony jury can go to sleep at night knowing that they were chosen because they were the stupidest people in the group.

They were chosen because they were the people least likely to understand science.

They were chosen because they were the people too stupid to figure out simple logic

They were chosen because they were criminals themselves and had no moral fiber of their own.

The Casey Anthony jury was composed of the lowest common denominator by design.

They are idiots because that’s why they were chosen in the first place!

Any time you get a jury selection expert…you get a stupid and criminal jury.

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