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Can Casey Anthony's belongings be used to pay creditors? - CFNews13

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Can Casey Anthony's belongings be used to pay creditors? - CFNews13 Empty Can Casey Anthony's belongings be used to pay creditors? - CFNews13

Post by mom_in_il Thu Feb 28, 2013 5:45 am

Can Casey Anthony's belongings be used to pay creditors?

By Amanda Evans , Reporter
Last Updated: Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 6:24 PM

Orange County -- For the first time, Casey Anthony will be forced to answer questions.

News 13 will be there as Anthony arrives in Tampa on Monday to talk with attorneys about her bankruptcy filing.

Orlando attorney Scott Shuker will be one of those people asking the questions.

"She claims she has no income, but how does she eat? We're going to get down to the basics.”

Shuker said if Casey Anthony lies, she could end up back in jail for a bankruptcy crime.

"If she lied, and there was a book deal or movie deal, that's what is called a ‘bankruptcy crime’ and people go to jail every year for failing to list things on their schedules."

Shuker is representing Zenaida Gonzalez, the woman whose name is similar to the made-up nanny Casey said had her daughter Caylee.

Gonzalez has a defamation lawsuit filed against Anthony and is one of dozens of people Anthony says could try to get money from her.

Casey filed bankruptcy saying she owes nearly $800,000 to a variety of people.

While Anthony says she has no income the big question is, could she someday sell her story?

Shuker says he'll ask.

"Have you been approached prior to filing for a book, a movie, any other kind of offer? Because it's possible that offer could be considered an asset of the state which could be sold and paid to creditors."

Here's the catch, if Anthony gets a fresh start through bankruptcy and then later does a book deal, that money would be hers.

Anthony's attorney said a deal was not in the works.

In the filing, Anthony listed her belongings as a dresser, a bike and some jewelry. All of it worth less than $1,500, but that will be up to a trustee to decide.

Shuker said he believes people could be willing to pay top dollar for the items in an auction because 'they belonged to Casey Anthony.'

If a trustee finds that to be the case, he could auction the items and the money would be paid back to creditors.

Anthony will meet with attorneys Monday afternoon in downtown Tampa.


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