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Casey Anthony Rejected By Court In Bid To Overturn Convictions Based On Her Lies

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Casey Anthony Rejected By Court In Bid To Overturn Convictions Based On Her Lies Empty Casey Anthony Rejected By Court In Bid To Overturn Convictions Based On Her Lies

Post by mom_in_il Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:23 pm

Casey Anthony Rejected By Court In Bid To Overturn Convictions Based On Her Lies

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 @ 12:18PM
By David Perel

A Florida appellate court has rejected Casey Anthony’s request for a new hearing in her attempt to overturn two misdemeanor convictions for lying to police, RadarOnline.com is reporting exclusively.

Anthony’s lawyers had already succeeded in getting two of four convictions overturned earlier this year. Then on Feb. 11, 2013 they filed a motion with the Fifth District Court of Appeal in Florida seeking a new hearing on the remaining convictions.

But the court rejected that motion on March 25, Radar has learned.

Casey was acquitted of first-degree murder in the death of her daughter Caylee on July 5, 2011. The trial, which arguably made her one of the most hated women in America, featured evidence that Casey told investigators her child had been kidnapped.

But in the weeks after Caylee’s disappearance, Casey partied and acted as if nothing was wrong. Finally the child was reported missing by Casey’s mother and the toddler’s skeletal remains were found in a wooded area in December, 2008.

In her interview with law enforcement authorities, Casey was accused of telling four lies, and convicted on four separate misdemeanor counts. But two of those were overturned, as the appellate court ruled she told two sets of lies on June 15, 2008.

Her statements were hours apart and made at Casey’s family home.

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