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RALPH and SHARON KNOWLES - 5 and 7 yo - Central Islip, Long Island , NY

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RALPH and SHARON KNOWLES - 5 and 7 yo - Central Islip, Long Island , NY Empty RALPH and SHARON KNOWLES - 5 and 7 yo - Central Islip, Long Island , NY

Post by twinkletoes Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:39 am

Missing kids, brother and sister, found drowned in Long Island pool

  • From AP
  • Last Updated: 7:38 PM, April 14, 2013
  • Posted: 7:00 PM, April 14, 2013

CENTRAL ISLIP — Two young siblings reported missing on Long Island have died after they were pulled from a neighbor's pool.

Suffolk County Police say a 911 call came in at about 3:30 p.m. Sunday to report that a 5 year-old boy and a 7 year-old girl went missing from a home on Naples Avenue in Central Islip.

Police say officers searched the neighborhood and found Ralph Knowles, 5, and Sharon Knowles, 7, submerged in a backyard pool on Half Mile Road and rushed to Southside Hospital.

Hospital spokesman Edward Fraser said the children were pronounced dead. He did not give a cause of death, but
said they were found at the bottom of the pool. Police are treating it as an apparent drowning.

No other information was immediately available.

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Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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