Kronk Objects To Baez's Phone Records Subpoena
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Kronk Objects To Baez's Phone Records Subpoena
Kronk Objects To Baez's Phone Records Subpoena
Protective Order Calls Phone Records Subpoena 'Overboard, Harassment'
POSTED: 2:41 pm EDT April 20, 2009
UPDATED: 5:18 pm EDT April 20, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Roy Kronk is asking Monday for a protective order so he does not have to turn over certain phone records to Casey Anthony's defense team.
In new court papers obtained by WESH 2, Kronk said Jose Baez's recent application to subpoena phone records is "overbroad, and constitutes harassment."Kronk is the meter reader who discovered the remains of slain toddler Caylee Anthony last December.
His lawyer said Kronk would not be opposed to a limited subpoena to determine if he ever had contact with Casey Anthony, her family or the Anthony's private investigators.
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Kronk's lawyers said the way Baez has the subpoena now, it would give him the ability to invade Kronk's privacy. They're asking for a hearing from Judge Stan Strickland.
Casey Anthony is in the Orange County Jail, charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.
In other news in the case, lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez are sending information to the Oprah Winfrey show concerning contradictions in the Anthonys' recent videotaped depositions.
Gonzalez is suing Casey Anthony, claiming her reputation was destroyed when Casey Anthony named her as the nanny who kidnapped Caylee.
"The Anthonys in our deposition as opposed to their previous statements to the police were apples and oranges," Morgan said.
Their lawyer so far has not responded to questions about why George and Cindy Anthony have agreed to do a nationally televised interview with Winfrey next month. Gonzalez's attorney John Morgan said Casey Anthony's parents want to plant reasonable doubt in the minds of potential jurors in advance of their daughter's upcoming death penalty trial.
"We want to make sure the Oprah people aren't manipulated by what I call the Anthony alibi tour," Morgan said.
Protective Order Calls Phone Records Subpoena 'Overboard, Harassment'
POSTED: 2:41 pm EDT April 20, 2009
UPDATED: 5:18 pm EDT April 20, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Roy Kronk is asking Monday for a protective order so he does not have to turn over certain phone records to Casey Anthony's defense team.
In new court papers obtained by WESH 2, Kronk said Jose Baez's recent application to subpoena phone records is "overbroad, and constitutes harassment."Kronk is the meter reader who discovered the remains of slain toddler Caylee Anthony last December.
His lawyer said Kronk would not be opposed to a limited subpoena to determine if he ever had contact with Casey Anthony, her family or the Anthony's private investigators.
Read New Motion | Section
Kronk's lawyers said the way Baez has the subpoena now, it would give him the ability to invade Kronk's privacy. They're asking for a hearing from Judge Stan Strickland.
Casey Anthony is in the Orange County Jail, charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.
In other news in the case, lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez are sending information to the Oprah Winfrey show concerning contradictions in the Anthonys' recent videotaped depositions.
Gonzalez is suing Casey Anthony, claiming her reputation was destroyed when Casey Anthony named her as the nanny who kidnapped Caylee.
"The Anthonys in our deposition as opposed to their previous statements to the police were apples and oranges," Morgan said.
Their lawyer so far has not responded to questions about why George and Cindy Anthony have agreed to do a nationally televised interview with Winfrey next month. Gonzalez's attorney John Morgan said Casey Anthony's parents want to plant reasonable doubt in the minds of potential jurors in advance of their daughter's upcoming death penalty trial.
"We want to make sure the Oprah people aren't manipulated by what I call the Anthony alibi tour," Morgan said.
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