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George and Cindy to sit for “Early Show” interview

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George and Cindy to sit for “Early Show” interview Empty George and Cindy to sit for “Early Show” interview

Post by mom_in_il Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:52 pm

Casey Anthony: George, Cindy to sit for “Early Show” interview

April 21, 2009 by: Express

Step aside, Oprah Winfrey. CBS will have the first interview with George and Cindy Anthony since granddaughter Caylee’s remains were found. Winfrey’s people had promoted that she would have that first interview next month.

Don’t George and Cindy know it’s not nice to cross Oprah?

CBS’ “Early Show” will interview the Anthonys over two shows this week.

Maggie Rodriguez will conduct the interview Wednesday and Thursday in the show’s New York studio.

And the topics? CBS said, “Rodriguez will talk to the Anthonys about the investigation into their granddaughter’s death, including the timeline of events leading up to the arrest of their daughter, Casey, for the crime. The Anthonys also will talk about how their daughter is handling the prosecution’s recent decision to seek the death penalty in their case against her.”

Which raises a question: How do George and Cindy know if they haven’t visited Casey?

“The Early Show” airs at 7 a.m. weekdays on WKMG-Channel 6.

Source Orlando Sentinel by halboedeker on Apr 21, 2009 10:47:53 AM

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