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Judge from Casey Anthony's murder trial retiring from bench - AP

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Judge from Casey Anthony's murder trial retiring from bench - AP Empty Judge from Casey Anthony's murder trial retiring from bench - AP

Post by mom_in_il Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:16 pm

Judge from Casey Anthony's murder trial retiring from bench

Published July 07, 2014
Associated Press

ORLANDO, Fla. – Florida judge who gained an international audience while presiding over Casey Anthony's murder trial three years ago is retiring after nearly 25 years on the bench.

Chief Judge Belvin Perry on Monday turned in a letter stating he intended to resign at the end of August.

The 64-year-old Perry presided over Anthony's 2011 murder trial.

Anthony was acquitted of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, following a trial that attracted worldwide attention. She was convicted of making false statements to police and got credit for time served.

In an interview last year on NBC's "Today" show, Perry said he thought there was sufficient evidence for a conviction on a first-degree murder charge, even though much of the evidence was circumstantial.

Perry was criticized by Anthony's attorneys for his statements.

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