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Casey Anthony: George 'done' with her - Orlando Sentinel

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Casey Anthony: George 'done' with her - Orlando Sentinel Empty Casey Anthony: George 'done' with her - Orlando Sentinel

Post by mom_in_il Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:58 pm

Casey Anthony: George 'done' with her

Hal BoedekerContact Reporter, Orlando Sentinel

April 7, 2017


George Anthony says he will never talk to his daughter, Casey, again because of what happened to his granddaughter, Caylee, according to a preview of an Investigation Discovery documentary.

“We are done because when this happened, I lost my daughter and my granddaughter. I lost them both,” George Anthony says, according to a report in the National Enquirer.

“Justice would be to have my daughter behind bars and have her suffer the way Caylee suffered,” George Anthony says.

Investigation Discovery previewed the program in an interview Thursday with the Sentinel and said George Anthony’s interview yields the news, but didn’t share details.

Read mrer: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment/tv/tv-guy/os-et-casey-anthony-george-done-with-her-20170407-story.html
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