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November 09, 2008, Caylee Anthony Search Update; Day 2

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November 09, 2008, Caylee Anthony Search Update; Day 2 Empty November 09, 2008, Caylee Anthony Search Update; Day 2

Post by Impetuous Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:08 am


Caylee Anthony Search Update; Day 2

"November 09, 2008, Caylee Anthony Search Update; Day 2 Dscn1709The search for Casey Anthony's missing two-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, continues today in Orlando, Florida.
The number of volunteers who showed up today was significantly less than the turn out we had yesterday. As of 10:30 a.m., only about 300 people have showed up. In addition, the 500 bounty hunters that were supposed to volunteer have yet to make an appearance.
November 09, 2008, Caylee Anthony Search Update; Day 2 Dscn1698Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter from California who helped bail Anthony out, brought a group of about five people with him. Yesterday, Padilla spent the majority of the day at the command center. Today, he was present for the search briefing and then left with his entourage to assist in the search effort.
At the briefing this morning, Richard Grund, the father of Anthony's former fiancée, Jessie Grund, addressed the crowd of volunteers and offered his prayers and support. Watch the video here.

November 09, 2008, Caylee Anthony Search Update; Day 2 Dscn1674The volunteers who did show up today are being dispatched to the remaining areas of interest. Several ATV teams have been sent out and an airboat, equipped with side-scan sonar, is also out searching area waterways.
The Tri County chapter of BACA (Bikers Against Child Abuse) is expected to show up sometime this afternoon to assist with crowd control and security.
Volunteers are asked to come to the command center, located at the corner of Judge and Shadowridge, SE Corner, Orlando, FL. Click here for map.
In related news, I would like to personally thank everyone who has helped out during the search effort. Yesterday, I posted an urgent update, requesting supplies at the command center. EquuSearch was in desperate need of food and water for the volunteers. Many readers of this blog offered their help, including a group called "Caylee's Angels", who sent bottled water and Gatorade by Taxi from California yesterday. Tim Miller's Executive Assistant, Barbie Tarr, was amazed the response of my readers. "They truly are Caylee's Angels," she said.
Keep checking back for all the latest developments!"
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