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Would you buy the Anthony home?

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Would you buy the Anthony home? Empty Would you buy the Anthony home?

Post by mom_in_il Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:20 pm

Would you buy the Anthony home?

By Marva Hinton @ February 24, 2010 7:03 AM


The Anthony home could be on the market soon now that Bank of America has started the foreclosure process. But would you want to live there?

Orlando Realtor Cleve Loveland says moving the house could be pretty hard.

"As long as this case is in the media and until Casey Anthony is tried, it might be difficult to sell it," said Loveland. "I think I could show you five more homes nearby that didn't have that stigma attached to it, and people would rather look at those."

READ MORE: http://wdbo.com/localnews/2010/02/would-you-buy-the-anthony-home.html
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