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Hair Found

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Hair Found Empty Hair Found

Post by oviedo45 Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:30 pm

More on the hair:

"When Caylee's remains were discovered, detectives found a World of
Disney bag nearby. Inside the bag was a Gatorade bottle, which
contained a syringe and a brown liquid that contained extremely small
amounts of the chemical chloroform. The FBI crime lab later determined
that the liquid contained testosterone, a steroid sometimes used for

"Crime scene investigators placed the items from the bag on a piece of
brown paper to take a photo, and the 5-inch-long strand of human hair
was later discovered on the paper, the documents show."

"The hair does not belong to Casey or Caylee Anthony, and the documents
released on Friday show that it also does not belong to any of the crime
scene investigators who handled the evidence."


Clickorlando must be seeing something we did not get . . .

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Hair Found Empty Re: Hair Found

Post by oviedo45 Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:32 pm

http://www.wesh.com/download/2010/0423/23242771.pdf ) refers to a previously reported Caucasian hair found on specimen Q107 . . .

Q107 was identified as two pieces of black plastic page 18 here : http://www.clickorlando.com/download/2009/1106/21540506.pdf

or Q106-Q107 identifies as collection papers here: page 3 http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2009/images/12/01/fbi.lab.report.pdf from item Q91.

Q91 is also a piece of black plastic here: page 3 http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2009/images/12/01/fbi.lab.report.pdf


thanks to mom-in-ill for digging up

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Hair Found Empty Re: Hair Found

Post by kiwimom Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:09 pm

I can't refer you to what docs I got this information from, but in my notes I have written I have Q106-Q109 as collection papers.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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Hair Found Empty Re: Hair Found

Post by mom_in_il Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:01 am

kiwimom wrote:I can't refer you to what docs I got this information from, but in my notes I have written I have Q106-Q109 as collection papers.

I saw that too:

Q106-Q107 identifies as collection papers here: page 3 http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2009/images/12/01/fbi.lab.report.pdf
from item Q91.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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Hair Found Empty Re: Hair Found

Post by kiwimom Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:53 pm

I have notes that say Q90 to Q97 as being plastic, fabric. I had written next to my note a question is this part of a nappy?
The next items are Q98 - hair clip
Q99 - cardboard pieces
Q100 - piece of cardboard
Q100.1 - Sticker from Q100
Q101 - Q102 - pieces of fabric
Q103 -blanket(the other one - not whinnie the pooh)
Q104 - tape
Q 105 - bag
Q107-109 collection papers
Q110 - bullet jacket
Q110.1 - debris
Q111 - fabric
Q112 - balloon

To see what was collected at the same time may help decide whether it has anything to do with Caylee or not. Note that the very next item is the hairclip. Has LE determined whether or not this hairclip belonged to Caylee? If it didn't then we can perhaps assume that the hair and hairclip were at one time together and belong to somebody unrelated to Caylee and has nothing to do with the case.
If a hairclip falls out it will often have at least one hair attached.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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