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Clerk of Courts Update - 4/29/2010

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Clerk of Courts Update -  4/29/2010 Empty Clerk of Courts Update - 4/29/2010

Post by mom_in_il Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:14 pm

Order Setting Case Mangement Hearing with Attachment of Admin Order/Courtroom Decorum Policy

04/28/2010 Motion to Withdraw Filed by Todd Macaluso, Esq.

04/28/2010 Motion Amended Second; to Preclude Death Procedures for Impermissible Prosecutorial Motives With Exhibits

04/28/2010 Memorandum Amended; of Law in Support of Second Defense Motion to Preclude Death Procedures for Impermissible
Prosecutorial Motives

04/28/2010 MotionAmended Second; to Preclude Death Procedures for Impermissible Prosecutorial Motives

04/28/2010 Memorandumof Law in Support of Defendant's Motion for Protective Order With Respect to Penalty Phase Discovery

04/28/2010 MotionDefendant's; for Protective Order With Respect to Penalty Phase Discovery

04/28/2010 Memorandumof Law in Support of Defendant's Motion to Declare Florida Statute 921/141 Unconstitutional for Inadequate
Appellate Review

04/28/2010 Motionto Declare Florida Statute 921/141 Unconstitutional for Inadequate Appellate Review

04/28/2010 Memorandumof Law in Support of Defendant's Motion to Preclude the State's Impermissible, Gender Biased, Request for
Imposition of the Death Penalty

04/28/2010 Motionto Preclude the State's Impermissible, Gender Biased, Request for Imposition of the Death Penalty

04/30/2010 Case Management Conference (9:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Perry, Belvin, JR)
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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