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NeJame Quits as Anthony Atty!

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NeJame Quits as Anthony Atty! Empty NeJame Quits as Anthony Atty!

Post by admin Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:16 pm


ORLANDO, Fla. -- Prominent Orlando attorney Mark NeJame told WESH 2 News Thursday that he is withdrawing as attorney for George and Cindy Anthony, whose daughter is charged with murdering their granddaughter.

In an interview with WESH 2 News reporter Bob Kealing, NeJame said he was frustrated with the direction the Anthonys have taken, especially that they continue to content that Caylee Anthony is alive.

NeJame was at George Anthony’s side when Anthony was a key witness in the grand jury proceedings that led to an indictment of Casey Anthony on first-degree murder and other charges

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