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Phone Records Among Documents Expected To Be Released

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Phone Records Among Documents Expected To Be Released Empty Phone Records Among Documents Expected To Be Released

Post by oviedo45 Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:48 pm

Posted: 8:05 am EDT September 21, 2010Updated: 8:53 am EDT September 21, 2010
Throughout Tuesday, WFTV will be pouring over new documents to be released in the case against Casey Anthony.

It is speculated that the phone records of Roy Kronk will be released. Kronk is a former meter reader who discovered Caylee Anthony's remains. Sources tell WFTV that the phone records indicate that Kronk spoke with his son about where the remains were found.

It is also possible that phone calls of inmate Robyn Adams may be released. Adams told investigators that Casey talked to her in jail about using chloroform to put Caylee to sleep.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Casey Anthony's defense team will be in Tennessee to depose the experts at Oak Ridge Laboratories. The laboratory conducted air tests on Casey's truck which showed evidence of human decomposition. Casey's defense attorneys have publicly challenged the lab's findings

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Phone Records Among Documents Expected To Be Released Empty Re: Phone Records Among Documents Expected To Be Released

Post by oviedo45 Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:50 pm

More Anthony Evidence Released
Texas Equusearch Docs Could Be Among Evidence

POSTED: 5:30 am EDT September 21, 2010
UPDATED: 9:41 am EDT September 21, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The state attorney's office released more information in the case against Casey Anthony on Tuesday.

WESH 2 News has learned that some of the information released contains interviews with members of Texas Equusearch.

The Casey Anthony defense team fought and won the right to interview Equusearch volunteers who searched the area near Suburban Drive where Caylee Anthony's remains were eventually found.

Caylee went missing in the summer of 2008. The case's time line is critical to the defense, who will argue that Caylee's body was placed in that area while Casey was in jail

Casey Anthony is currently being held in the Orange County Jail. She is accused of murdering her daughter, Caylee Marie.

Anthony maintains that she last saw her daughter after leaving her with a nanny, Zenaida Gonzalez. That claim led a defamation lawsuit.

On Monday, Lawyers for Gonzalez planned to depose and videotape Robyn Adams, another inmate who befriended Anthony in jail, who claimed that Anthony admitted to her that the nanny story was a lie. The deposition has since been delayed.

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