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RECAP: Casey Anthony, mother’s email hacked December 2008? - HO

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RECAP: Casey Anthony, mother’s email hacked December 2008? - HO Empty RECAP: Casey Anthony, mother’s email hacked December 2008? - HO

Post by mom_in_il Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:59 pm

Written on 1 December 2010 at 07:29 by humbleopinion

RECAP: Casey Anthony, mother’s email hacked December 2008?


Cindy Anthony claims someone hacked into her email and sent out messages and documents containing sensitive information about the case. Apparently 4 or so emails were sent out from Cindy’s account. Cindy claims to have been locked out of her account over the weekend. The emails have been forward to the FBI, yes, the FBI the same FBI that can’t do anything right in the case against Casey Anthony!

READ MORE: http://humbleopinionforum.net/2010/12/01/recap-casey-anthony-mothers-email-hacked-december-2008/
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