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"Newborn Child" - Abuse of Corpse? Stillborn? - Providence RI

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"Newborn Child" - Abuse of Corpse? Stillborn? - Providence RI Empty "Newborn Child" - Abuse of Corpse? Stillborn? - Providence RI

Post by TomTerrific0420 Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:19 pm

Providence Police are investigating after discovering a newborn dead in its mother's apartment over the weekend.36 year-old Lucia Rosa's sister took her to Women and Infants Hospital because she was bleeding heavily, and hospital staff told the police department that Rosa was suffering from complications from childbirth. Officers searched her apartment and found the baby dead, wrapped in a plastic bag and stuffed under her bed. Rosa's family had no idea she was pregnant - and she told police that she's a virgin. So far, Rosa has not been charged with a crime, pending an autopsy to determine whether or not the child was stillborn.
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