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Death Investigation - "Newborn Jane Doe" - 1 Month - Chicago/ South side IL

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Death Investigation - "Newborn Jane Doe" - 1 Month - Chicago/ South side IL Empty Death Investigation - "Newborn Jane Doe" - 1 Month - Chicago/ South side IL

Post by TomTerrific0420 Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:31 pm

Police were investigating the death of a 1-month-old girl who was found unresponsive by her mother Sunday inside their South Shore neighborhood residence.
The baby girl was found in a residence in the 7200 block of South Shore
Drive. She was pronounced dead at 5:27 p.m. at Stroger Hospital,
according to a spokeswoman for the Cook County medical examiner's office.
It was unclear this morning how the child died, and an autopsy will be conducted today.
Preliminary reports said the mother found the child unresponsive in
the home, said Police News Affairs Officer Amina Greer. Police have
classified the case as a death investigation.
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