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Could Casey Anthony's Murder Trial Be Canceled? - WFTV

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Could Casey Anthony's Murder Trial Be Canceled? - WFTV Empty Could Casey Anthony's Murder Trial Be Canceled? - WFTV

Post by mom_in_il Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:24 pm

Could Casey Anthony's Murder Trial Be Canceled?
Posted: 12:55 pm EDT March 17, 2011
Updated: 4:41 pm EDT March 17, 2011


ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The case against Casey Anthony is the biggest trial in Orange County history, but the Clerk of Courts is trying to use it to keep her budget from being slashed. Lydia Gardner said on Thursday that budget cuts put the trial at risk of being canceled or suspended.

However, Gardner does not have the authority to cancel a trial. Now, there's a showdown brewing between Gardner and Chief Judge Belvin Perry because of the statements she made.

The case against Casey will cost an estimated $361,000 to bring to trial. Gardner said that expense is coming while the state is looking to slash her budget.

READ MORE: http://www.wftv.com/news/27227848/detail.html
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