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Is Cheney Mason, Casey Anthony’s Attorney Concerned About Dr. Lillian Glass’ Blog? - Glass

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Is Cheney Mason, Casey Anthony’s Attorney Concerned About Dr. Lillian Glass’ Blog? - Glass Empty Is Cheney Mason, Casey Anthony’s Attorney Concerned About Dr. Lillian Glass’ Blog? - Glass

Post by mom_in_il Wed May 04, 2011 3:22 am

Is Cheney Mason, Casey Anthony’s Attorney Concerned About Dr. Lillian Glass’ Blog?


Yesterday I put up a blog which essentially showed how Casey kept dabbing away her non tears. I spoke about Casey’s lack of emotion. Cheney Mason, her attorney who never appears on television, took it upon himself to go on “In Session” today to address Casey’s emotions.

He described Casey as being as “far more emotional” than people see”
, but that jail has “toughened her up” and that she is “very, very likable and very bright.”


I have watched Casey for two years now and have yet to see any genuine emotion.I have yet to see her cry genuine tears for Caylee.

Where was her genuine emotion and tears when she was taken into the infirmary to watch TV which showed that Caylee’s body was found? Where were the tears of emotion? All she said was she had to have her chains loosened because she couldn’t breathe. No crying or tears were reported by those who witnessed her initial reaction.

READ MORE: http://drlillianglassbodylanguageblog.wordpress.com/2011/05/04/is-cheney-mason-casey-anthony’s-attorney-concerned-about-dr-lillian-glass’-blog/
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