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Casey Anthony's Emotional Hold Over Her Parents - Hutch

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Casey Anthony's Emotional Hold Over Her Parents - Hutch Empty Casey Anthony's Emotional Hold Over Her Parents - Hutch

Post by mom_in_il Mon May 30, 2011 7:01 am

Monday, May 30, 2011
Casey Anthony's Emotional Hold Over Her Parents


From the first few days I started following the disappearance of Caylee Anthony, it was clear that her mother Casey Anthony had some kind of powerful emotional hold over her parents. While I am no mental health expert, it is common knowledge that victims of sexual abuse do have a great deal of power over their abuser and also those who were complicit in that crime. That is why I believe that Casey Anthony was indeed abused by her father and maybe even her brother as well. I also believe that Cindy Anthony knew about that abuse and did nothing and that is why Casey was able to pull her emotional strings for so long.

More: http://mhutch.blogspot.com/2011/05/casey-anthonys-emotional-hold-over-her.html
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