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Casey Anthony Trial Update: Jurors view taped jail visits between accused Casey and family - CBS News

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Casey Anthony Trial Update: Jurors view taped jail visits between accused Casey and family - CBS News Empty Casey Anthony Trial Update: Jurors view taped jail visits between accused Casey and family - CBS News

Post by mom_in_il Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:23 pm

June 2, 2011 6:04 PM
Casey Anthony Trial Update: Jurors view taped jail visits between accused Casey and family

Posted by Camille Mann


(CBS/WKMG/AP) ORLANDO, Fla. - Jurors in the Casey Anthony murder trial were shown video-recorded jail visitations Thursday between Anthony and her parents, George and Cindy, as well as her brother Lee.

In one video, Cindy Anthony tells Casey that a lot of people are participating in the search for her 2-year-old daughter Caylee, and that the toddler's photo is going to appear on the cover of People magazine, reports the Orlando Sentinel.

"Everybody is looking for her. Are we going to be able to find her?," Cindy Anthony asked after making Anthony look her in the eye, reports the paper.

"I hope we can, mom," Casey responded.

After that video was shown, the state played a video from when her brother Lee Anthony came to visit.

"The police need to know that you are working with them," said Lee to his sister in the videotape.

More: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20068442-504083.html?tag=contentMain;contentBody
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